Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 4, 2016: Ah! Thats all I have to say.

Hello Family and Friends!!
Wow. Time is going by way to fast. Ah! I'm grateful for every moment I have been a missionary. I just feel so blessed. I love when we are able to see God's hand in all things.
This week we were really wanting to find 3 new investigators. We had originally planned to go to this one sky train station, but how time worked out, if we had went there we would have had only like 10 minutes there before we would need to turn back. So we prayed for guidance! We decided to take the bus to a stop about 10 minutes away. We got in line for it and started talking to the girl in front of us and she is the sweetest little Taiwanese girl ever! She has been in Canada for a few months learning English and she has been wanting to come check out church. Blessings! Then we get off at the stop we wanted to and go up to the intersection to decided what way we want to walk down. I saw a couple 1st nation looking ladies walking towards us and get this, they started talking to us first! They asked if we were modern days nuns. lol. :) We got chatting to them and they are really cool! I was telling how I love their culture and they asked if I have ever studied it before.. .Well, kind of!! We shared with them the Book of Mormon. What completely amazed me was before we got to explaining that there was a record Jesus Christ appearing to the Nephites, they explained how they belief that Jesus showed himself to their people. I was just like, "That is exactly what this book says!" It built my faith. We are going to meet up with them and share more. God is so good to us. :)
Lots of our investigators we able to watch conference with us. I talked to President But this week and he said of how special it would be to me that in 6 months when we watch conference in October, my mind would just come back to watching it here in Vancouver with my investigators. One of our sweet investigators, Grace, came to the 1st session on Sunday but texted us later saying that she was going to watch the afternoon session on the internet because she was so emotional at President Monson's health. I just loved all of the powerful testimonies that were given. I found answers to my own questions, prayers, and concerns. I did like Bonnie L. Oscarson's talk. She tells it how it is!  I sometimes get worried to go back into the world without all the protections of the mission. But the Lord has tutored me so much from being out here. I know I have not only a testimony to keep my safe, but I conversion to keep me safe. I don't just have a knowledge but I have a true belief that I am willing to act on.
I am so deeply grateful for my mission. As I have focused on others and lose myself in the service of God, I have come to realized over time that Heavenly Father, in his mercy, has blessed me so greatly. My mission has not only changed my life, but it has changed my eternities. My time in limited as a full-time missionary, but I am going to continue to work hard until the end. That I can stand blameless before God at the last day. That when I stand before Him, he can say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
I love you all so much! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers.
Sister Lofthouse 
Springtime blossoms!!

Springtime in Vancouver!!

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