Monday, December 29, 2014

December 1, 2014: Transfer Calls & Ginger

Hope you are all doing well and have had a good week! 

This week were transfer calls! Me and Sister McKee are staying here in Surrey, and Sister McKee was made district leader. (There are districts of just sisters and just elders in this mission) So that will be a fun adventure this transfer! :) 

This week we got to teach our investigator who basically went up to our bishop telling him he wanted to be baptized. He is awesome! Pricepro is a grocery store and an addiction recover program that is ran and owned by a member. Curtis, our investigator, is a graduate of the program and is very good friends with the owner. So he is very familiar with the church. We taught him the Word of Wisdom and he asked about coffee and stuff and we explained to him and then he said he stopped drinking coffee last week! So he is great. But he is traveling to the states with his boss (the owner of the program) for the next couple of weeks but we are excited to keep meeting with him when he gets back! 

Saturday was our ward Christmas dinner/party! Our investigator, Brittani, came. She seemed to have a good time and felt comfortable with everyone. Some of the members got her number and are going to invite her over for dinner this week. Awesome! Brittani has had a rough life so its always interesting teaching her. She has had a parenting class on Sundays but yesterday was the last day so she is finally able to come to church!  

 Also, an interesting lesson I learned this week is don't eat raw ginger from strangers on the street. We were talking to this man at the bus stop and he was just holding a thing of ginger... So we asked him if he was going to cook something with it. And he said no.. he just eats it raw, that he is a raw vegan. So he broke off some ginger for us to try... REGRET! It was so spicy that I started choking and couldn't really talk. Haha. But he was cool. We said a prayer with him before he got on his bus! 

Anyway, it has been a good week! Missionary work is always an adventure! The gospel brings so much joy in my life. I'm so blessed to have a family that loves me! Thanks for all your love and support! I love you all! 

Sister Lofthouse 

A member gave Sister McKee and I this awesome cat teapot. We love cats! MEOW!

Thanksgiving Turkeys full of feathers of the things Sister McKee and I are grateful for.

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