I hope you all are doing well and have had a good week! Its has been a great week here in Surrey! We saw some amazing miracles!
Tuesday night we got to meet with an amazing new investigator. Her name is Candice and she has an 11 year old daughter name Talia. We taught the Restoration and Candice already has great faith and a desire to follow Christ! She was going to pray about her baptismal date and come to church. Well yesterday, she didn't show up to church. So we were sad because we thought she was going to be like the other investigators we have taught where you have an amazing 1st lesson and then they drop off the face of the earth! But yesterday afternoon she finally texted us back! So we were so happy and since she is a single mom, she works long hours but we are meeting with her tonight and we are so excited! We are praying so hard for them because we know they can get baptised next month. Pray for Candice and Talia! :)
Then we had another awesome lesson this week with a 16 year old Indian boy named, Aman. Sister McKee had been teaching him for a while before I came. One day he just showed up at church and found the seminary kids and wanted to learn more! We taught him for a while and then passed him to the Elders in the ward to teach him and then when the Elders moved out we taught him again. But he was still struggling to see how God has answered his prayers to know that He really is there. We also got a call from him earlier this week saying that His parents aren't going to let him come to church or meet with us until February because they want him to focus on applying to colleges and stuff. But he could meet with us one more time. Sister McKee and I prayed to know what to teach him. We thought it might be nice to end our meetings for a while by reading 2 Ne 31 with him. Oh was that inspired! The lesson went so well. We had an amazing member with us. When we were reading he was like "I didn't know how important baptism really is!" and then a little later he just looked at us and was like "There really is a God!" and he could not stop smiling! It was so amazing! We got him to commit to reading the Book of Mormon and then explain to his parents how important church was to him and to pray for help while he did this. We tried texting him to see how it went but got nothing back and he didn't show up to church. But as he acts in faith, God will help him! Pray for Aman! :)
Also this week we got a call from our bishop saying that there is a man at his work (Pricepro - which is an addiction recovery place that is founded and ran by a member) who is a graduate from the program and wants to get baptized! We are teaching him tonight. We also got a call from a former investigator saying she wants to be taught again and we are going to meet up with her on Wednesday. But we are so amazed at all these miracles and blessing we saw this week. The Lord really does have a hand in His work. I'm so grateful to be a missionary, to invite people to come unto Christ each day. It is such a blessing! Surrey is such an amazing place, I'm so blessed to serve here with Sister McKee!
Happy Thanksgiving to all those Merican's out there! :)
Sister Lofthouse
Matching Outfits Sister McKee and Sister Lofthouse Surrey Apartment |
Sister McKee's friend sent her moustaches!! |
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