Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29, 2014: "White" Christmas

It has been an awesome week here in Surrey! I hope you all had a great Christmas. I know that I will never forget Christmas this year! 

Christmas was a great day. We saw a lot of love from the members. A lady in the ward even found us a tree! But it was a pretty interesting tree. Me and Sister McKee called it our Christmas Stick. :) We had brunch at the bishops house. Then I got to Skype home! Shout out to my family! Love you guys! :) We had a lesson with our investigator, Janet. She is going strong with quitting smoking and came to church yesterday! Then we went to go help the less-active that invited us over for Christmas dinner set up things. She has bad health problems and can't really walk... But she is the only member in her family so it was awesome because at dinner we got a have a little lesson. Then we were out on the streets talking to people for the rest of the night. We saw lots of miracles and set up some return appointments. But most people that were out didn't speak much English or were really drunk... So it was pretty interesting! :) 

But the best part of the week was Noheel was baptized on Saturday and Curtis was baptized yesterday! It has been pretty interesting because these were both mine and Sister McKee's first baptisms... So we didn't really know what we were doing... But the spirit helped us! Haha. Noheel is awesome. He loves the Gospel and has such a desire to follow God. Sister McKee was able to find a violin and play it for the service with a concert violinist in the ward. So that was awesome! 

Yesterday Curtis was baptized! It was hard to set a date with him because the man he wanted to baptize him is super busy... But things worked out for him to be baptized on Sunday! But Curtis is awesome! He went through an addiction recovery program in the area that is ran by a member of the church. So Curtis has been a graduate of the program for a few years now and is now working as a program director now. A lot of people he works with are members so he already knew a lot when we taught him. He has been through a lot but its awesome to see the change in him and his love for God. His tattoos do say "God's will" so that's cool. :) His baptismal service was so good though. The spirit was so strong. It was also funny because Curtis is pretty hipster and always has his hair done and wears fancy clothes... But while he was down in the font, I heard some of the students in the program make fun of him because he was going to mess up his hair. Haha. But this experience with these two has been amazing! I feel so blessed to have been able to teach these two men who have been prepared by God to hear and accept the Gospel. Keep Noheel and Curtis in your prayers. New converts need all the help they can get! :)  

Thank you all for your love and support! And thanks to those who send me little notes and cards. I have the best support group ever! Hope you all have a great week!!! :) 

Sister Lofthouse 

Our Christmas Tree and cat bags :)
Sister McKee and Sister Lofthouse
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Curtis Connolly's Baptism
December 28, 2014
?, Curtis Connolly, Sister Kaylee Lofthouse, Sister Holly McKee

Noheel Pillai's Baptism
Sister Kaylee Lofthouse, Sister Holly McKee, Noheel Pillai, ?, President Burt, Sister Burt
December 27, 2014

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