Monday, December 29, 2014

November 17, 2014: Little India

Hope you are all doing well! Its been a pretty interesting week here in little India! 

This week we had an amazing zone meeting where we talked about steps to get people to baptism, one of them being to boldly invite them. It was just an inspiring meeting all around! Then that night all of our plans fell throw.. and our back up plans... So we decided to stop by a potential investigator named Keisha. I met her a couple weeks ago at the bus stop and she was wanting to get her baby baptized. SO we set a time we could met up with her and teach her more but she didn't show up to the appointment. So we dropped by and and she let us in! I was going in expecting to just to introduce the Book of Mormon but then I saw Sister McKee turn to 2 Nephi 31 and I was like "Baptism!" All we talked about was baptism and she is so awesome! She seemed so ready to make the changes she needed to. And we committed to a date! The spirit was so strong the whole time and we didn't even have to invite her to come to church, she asked about it herself! We were so excited after the lesson! However... We havent been able to get in contact with her ever since! And she didnt come to church... It seems like whenever we find someone and set them a date they drop off the face of the earth!! Its crazy!? Like are they all at the same place? Haha if so, I hope we can find it. But I hope and pray we can meet with her again! 

Then yesterday at church we were a little bummed because we thought we wouldn't have any investigators there. Then in Sunday School the Bishop came and got us and this former investigator just showed up at church! So we taught him and talked a little more about baptism! And he wants to be baptized! But... There are some things that will make him wait a year but it was so cool how he just showed up out of the blue! Blessings! 

We have seen lots of little blessings/miracles this week! And we have talked to so many people and have a good list of potential investigators. But they are so hard to get in contact again. So maybe they are just not quite ready for the gospel yet. But one day, I pray! Its been such a good week though! 

Funny story... Sister McKee and I were leaving the bus stop when I hear someone trying to get our attention behind us... So I turn around and its this black guy and he told us that his name was Samuel. That he was Samuel from the Bible. And when he said that me and Sister McKee said at the same time "Oh... Thats nice..." Haha. Then he was telling us how Samuel in the bible was a beggar. So I think he was trying to ask for money in some kind of weird way... But we gave him a card and he seemed content. 

Hope you all are doing well! Mission life is so amazing! My testimony and conversion to the Lord has grown so much! Thank you all for the love and support! 

Love you all!
Sister Lofthouse :) 

Awkward mission apartment couch selfie... lol
Sister McKee and Sister Lofthouse

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