Monday, December 29, 2014

December 15, 2014: Zone Conference in Richmond & "He is the Gift"

Its been an awesome week. First off we have a baptism scheduled for the 27th! It was a miracle! Its with Noheel, who was a former from like 3 years ago who just showed up for church in November. But we figured out he would have to wait a year to be baptized. Then on Thursday we were planning with our sister training leaders and it turned out someone gave us wrong information before. He just needs to be interviewed by the President! So we were so excited and called Noheel up to see if he could meet that day but we figured out too that he would have had to be living the word of wisdom the day before that to be baptized this month. And since he is Indian we thought he would have already drank tea that day. But we met with him and he hadn't for like a month! What?? It was awesome! He has such a desire to learn and to follow God! So we are very excited for him. :) 

This week we also got to go to the mission office in Richmond for a zone conference. Its fun leaving the area. :)  We finally got to watch he is the gift! It is awesome. Christmas time is such an amazing time to be a missionary! We love to ask if we can share Christmas messages with people and they usually allow us to come back. :) Also in Richmond, we got a "Christmas" dinner provided for us, which here in Canada means just another Thanksgiving dinner. But it was so good! 

It was a great week! Thanks for all the love and support! Hope you all have a great week! 

Sister Lofthouse 

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