Monday, December 29, 2014

October 13, 2014: Heading to the Promised Land

Hello Friends and Family!!

Its been another great week at the MTC! I cant believe I am leaving Wednesday! My teacher who served in Vancouver calls it The Promise Land and its funny. I am not ready! But it will be fun to actually see the sky again. :) haha...

So last Monday was the first time me and Sister Ditto taught Kitty (college student from China) yeah... It was a humbling experience.... We went in there thinking we would just teach about the restoration and Sister Ditto was talking about God is our Loving Heavenly Father and transitioning it to me to talk about Christ when Kitty was like "wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... Who is God?" Yeah we thought she had a little more concept about God... And we were not prepared. Poor little Kitty was soooo confused as we were just saying things that came to mind about God... Then Sister Ditto was talking for a while and all of the sudden she was like "Sister Lofthouse, do you have anything to add?" And I was thinking oh shoot... NO! so I was just like "Uhhh... Yeah" and said something about the Holy Ghost and confused her more... The only good part of the lesson was when we both bore powerful testimony of God. :) Then our next lesson with her went much better! We told her the story of the 1st vision because she loves stories! We gave her the invitation to pray but she wanted us to pray so that she could know how... So I was like "If we pray at fist will you pray after?" And she was like uhhh maybe... So we got on our knees and Sister Ditto said a prayer. And I just stayed on my knees and was like "Kitty will you pray and ask God your questions and pray right now?" And she said yes! And it was funny because Sister Ditto had already sat back in her seat but I knew if she didnt pray then, she wouldn't do it later in the lesson. So that was a big step with Kitty... But she still didnt really believe in God... So the next lesson we decided to read with her the story of the Ammon teaching King Lamoni about God and she loved it! She said she got her witness then and she told me and Sister Ditto that we are like Sister Ammons and it was so cute! She also gave us a hug after the lesson so that is always a good sign! But sadly we didnt get to meet with her again because she was sick for out last lesson scheduled with her but we were going to commit her to baptism! 

But our other investigator, Matt, (who is actually one of our teacher pretending to be Matt) is doing great! Our first lesson was a little rough but the next one I taught about agency and I committed him to baptism! So that felt great! But he is really easy because whenever we ask him if he has any questions he always says no... But we only have one more lesson with him! 

I am really going to miss Sister Ditto and the rest of the district when we leave. At lunch, all we do is laugh... And I got them meowing! And saying hashtag and other weird and crazy things I do! Me and sister Ditto still have laughing problems when we are role playing but we just dont look at each other and sometimes we can control ourselves. Haha :)  And as a district we have already talked about how when everyone is home we are going to have a cabin/boating reunion in Bear Lake and just watch spongebob and iCarly all day! Haha they are all fun :) 

Probably the best day of the week was Yesterday!! Sundays at the MTC are kind of weird... But all the Sisters go to Relief Society where they just have a speaker talk to us. We sang As sisters in Zion but they changed the words to apply to sister missionaries and it was so powerful! I teared up a little! They also showed a picture that Greg Olsen painted of sister missionaries praying and I love it! You should all go look it up! And see if you can look up the the new words to The Sisters in Zion because it really was so good! Then the speaker was amazing! One point she talked about that I really liked was that we are sisters. Our Badge shows to everyone that we are all children of God and brothers and sisters! I cant think of every better than having that on your badge... Other than Christ's name. Haha :) But I really liked that. :) Then Sacrament Meeting was kind of interesting too, its only our branch of 17 missionaries. And yeah I was picked by the branch president to speak. And its all Sister Ditto's fault! She emailed the Branch President in the our weekly email to him and told him I had a really good talk prepared! Yeah... she thought she was funny. But I told her she was dead to me. But anyways I talked about how repentance is about changing and used the quote from Erza Taft Benson " When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed." And told the story of Alma the younger when he repented he wanted others to feel the joy of the Atonement and dedicated his life to preaching the word of God. Anyways, it turned out pretty good but I was really nervous even though it will probably be the smallest sacrament meeting I will ever speak at! Haha... Then Sunday evening our devotional speaker was the man who is in charge of the church's media. So he was showing us how powerful is and #becauseofhim and #itwasmom. AND he showed us the new video that is coming out  after thanksgiving about how Christ is the gift we should be worrying about. It was really cool how he showed us! 

But I am so happy being a missionary! I am filled with God's love for others. now looking back on it I have been prepared all my life for this! My favorite primary song was "We'll bring His World His Truth"! I cant wait to help change lives to the people in Vancouver! Our Branch President always says that its our time to be a rock star... Well, I have wanted to be a rock star since Kindergarten. :) I hope I can live up the the title I wear on my badge! Our teacher who served in Vancouver just tells us of all these amazing stories he had up there and Im so excited! We have our last lesson with him tonight and he says he is leaving the best for last! So Im excited! He also said he would teach us some phrases in Mandarin that he learned there so Im really excited for that! Everyone pray for the people I will meet in Vancouver that their hearts may be open to our message! I love you all! Thanks for your love and support and prayers! Never forget that God loves you! Through Jesus Christ ALL men may be saved. 

Sister Lofthouse 

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