Sunday, February 7, 2016

January 5, 2015: I Can't Believe It Is 2015

Hello Family and Friends! 

Hope you are all doing well! I can't believe it is 2015. So crazy! Hope you all had a good New Years. :)

This week was pretty good! We had a couple lessons with Curtis. He is doing great! He said he went to a recovery New Year's Eve Party and so there wasn't any alcohol there but there was a coffee bar and people kept asking him why he wasn't drinking coffee and he told them he was baptized Mormon. And they didn't believe him! Haha. But it was also funny because we asked him what he promised to God when he was a baptized and he was like "To go to church... ALL 3 HOURS... pay tithing, word of wisdom, law of chastity..." And we were like yeah! You can just call those the commandments. :) But we did have a scary moment yesterday... It was like 2 minutes before church started and he still wasn't there... So we were kind of freaking out and called him and he said that he had to take a cab but he was on his way! It was snowing and it turns our his car didn't start... But he made it in time for his confirmation! He had such an awesome blessing that it made me tear up a little. Curtis is awesome!! Continue to pray for him and Noheel! 

We also saw lots of miracles with finding new investigators this week! We called some potentials and we set up an appointment with a man named David. But we couldn't remember who he was until we saw him, but he is fiji-indian. We went into his house and he introduced us to his girlfriend and we sat down. Then he introduced us to his mom and we was just smiling creepily and was like "So I wanted to surprise you... Me and my mom are baptized members!" So me and Sister McKee were like what??? They were baptized in Fiji a long time ago and have been less active for a while and David has a bad alcohol problem. But we taught the Restoration and his girlfriend liked it so much and was excited to read and pray about the Book of Mormon! We set her to be baptized on the 31st... But something came up and they couldn't make it to church yesterday... 

A few weeks ago we met this man whose name is Voitek and he actually graduated from the same addiction recovery place as Curtis and knows him and also Bishop. Then one night this week we were eating dinner at the Bishops house and was telling him how we were going to meet up with him and the Bishop was like "Voitek? Yeah, he is ready to get baptized." And we were like okay! So we taught Voitek the Restoration and set him to be baptized on the 24th but something came up and he couldn't come to church so we will have to move the date back a little.

 Also this week we were able to meet up with a young mom named Julien. Turns out her family was taught by elders when she was really young. She is truth seeking so we are excited! She is trying to move her work schedule around so that she can come to church. But we set her to be baptized on the 31st! We are excited to continue to work with these people! Please pray for them that they will continue to have the desire to be baptized! :) 

Transfer calls are tonight! Which is super crazy!! We think that Sister McKee is going... Which will be sad... But we are excited!! Thank you all for your love and support!! Hope you have a great week. Love you all so much! 

Sister Lofthouse  

Our district. :) Sister McKee looks like a hunchback... Haha :) 

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