Hope you are all doing well! Its been a great week in Vanderhoof! We have been able to do a lot of service. We got to help a less active clean up her yard, which was funny because Sister Han has never done that. We have also started volunteering at this nursing home in town. We just talk to them and take them on little walks. Old people are so funny! :) We also helped this member in one of the wards that is 72 and is raising 4 grandkids! Oh my, I don't know how she does it so I'm glad we could help. :) We also got to help a former investigator who is 80 and not really interesting in learning anymore, but we cleaned her blinds. Service has a way of softening people's hearts so I'm glad we could help out so much this week!
This Saturday was a big social media day for us missionaries here in BC. The Book of Mormon play is now playing in Vancouver so we got to have members out with us all day to take pictures of us doing the work and posting it online. Look up #realBCmormons and #realBCmissionaries to see what missionaries have been doing all over BC! It was really fun. We had a member come study with us in the morning, serve with us, talk with people at parks in town, and come out with us to lessons. We had an amazing lesson with our investigator, Amanda. She is in her 20's and has a little 2 year old. We taught her the 2nd part of the Plan of Salvation and it was cool because she shared with us how she feels the spirit (peace, joy, and comfort) when she comes to our church but she doesn't feel that at other churches. She sees how God has been leading her to our church! We taught her the word of wisdom as well and she is working on quitting smoking. Keep her in your prayers. :)
We also got a new investigator last night named Tonia. She is a young mom with a couple kids. Sister Han met her on exchanges a couple days ago on the street and she is awesome! She is open even though she has no religious background whatsoever. We taught the restoration and she thought it was so interesting! She is very down to earth and is so chill!
Its so amazing to see how the Lord is preparing people here to meet us. The Lord's work really is moving forward. I know that Jesus Christ directs it and directs the church through a prophet. Thank you all for you support and prayers! I love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Lofthouse
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