Sunday, February 7, 2016

January 26, 2015: The Runaways...

Hello Family and Friends! 

I hope you are all doing great! We have had the wildest week in Surrey yet! 

I will start out again with some funny stories. :) We were going on exchanges one night and were meeting the other sisters at the church and me and Sister McKee got there a little early so we were calling some people trying to set of some appointments. Sister McKee called this one lady that was interested in family history. The family history center is at our church building. So she is talking on the phone and I thought I had a paper with the hours but then I realized I didn't. So it was awkward... So we both just look at each other and Sister McKee was like "Uhh... just a second... We dropped the paper..." We both get out of the car, run across the parking lot to the church, unlock the door, run across the church, and then look frantically for a paper saying the hours of the family history center all while this lady is still on the phone. By this time I have just lost it and am laughing so hard. Then Sister McKee just kind of makes up hours... Then we see the hours hanging up on the door. So sister McKee had to be like Jk... these are actually the hours... It was so funny and awkward!! :) 

Then while we were on exchanges... I was with Sister Hemenway. And we were just about to exchange back for the night but we had a few minutes so we decided to drop by a couple former investigators... So we pull up to this one house. And on our record it says it is on this side basement door. So its pretty dark but we walk around and knock on the side door. And the door had a window with frosted glass. But we see this figure come closer and closer to the door... But it is the creepiest thing ever! It was like a hunchback and walked as if it didn't have feet.. It just glided over! Then it just stopped at the window and was looking out at us! So we were like what the heck... And we just look at each other and sister Hemenway was like "I got to run... I'm running!!" So we booked it away from there and ran back to our car!! We made it back safe. :) Haha it was too funny :) 

This week we met with a woman named Elise. Get this... She has a job and owns a house!! Miracle! She is from Manitoba and is in her late 40's. But we got to know her background and she grow up Roman Catholic but saw corruption in it and doesn't like how things are very ritual. But she does have faith in God and we shared Alma 37:37 where it talks about prayer and she really liked it. So then we introduced the Book of Mormon and she was very accepting to it. We gave her 3 Nephi 11 to read and then pray about. But the cool thing is... While we were giving the background to the chapter and was explain how Christ showed himself to the people in the Americas she was like "Whoa... I've heard this before. I can't remember when or how I heard this, but this is so familiar. I have goosebumps right now!" It was so cool! It gave me goosebumps when she said that! The Gospel really does ring familiar to people. The Spirit is awesome!! 

Another miracle from the week was church! Brittani, an investigator that we were teaching in October and November came to church yesterday for the first time! She is a little wild and she has a 8 month old baby but she came! She didn't realize it would be so long... So we were just like "Surprise!" :) Haha. But also this random Fijian-Indian lady just showed up to church!! She said she lives close by and thought she would just come check it out. Also cool, because our bishop is from Fiji and just started a Hindi sunday school class! So she really enjoyed it and said she will come back next week! :) 

Well, I hope you all have a great week! I love you all! Thank you so much for the love and support! 

Sister Lofthouse

We had our white car in for repairs and borrowed another one from the mission office... We got a call that our car was all done and fixed up so we were planning to take our borrowed car back to Richmond that morning... But we go to leave and the car was making awful noises when we put it in gear... So first we look a selfie. Then we prayed. Then we tried it again and it sounded worse. So then we just made some phone calls for 30 minutes. Tried it again and the sound was gone! So we drove to Richmond. Haha :) 

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