Tuesday, February 9, 2016

July 7, 2015: God Bless America, Eh?

Hello Everyone! 

Its been a great week full of lots of blessings! Last Sunday we went to a park in town and talked to this really awesome Native family. Turns out the mom works with a couple of our ward members. She invited us over for the next day for banic bread (native bread that is like a deep-fried biscuit). It was so yummy! Then we taught her, Colleen, and her 14 year old daughter, Madison. We taught the Plan of Salvation and they LOVED it! The spirit was so strong. Colleen shared with us how she used to be an alcoholic but quit drinking a year ago and has tried to get closer to God since then. She goes to the Catholic church but she says that she sits on the front row because she cries and doesn't want anyone to see her. She cries because she feels like she is missing something. She grew up in foster care and her twin sister grew up in a members home. So her sister is a member in a different part of BC! Madison is super interested and even asked us how she can become Mormon. It was an amazing lesson!! Then they came to church yesterday and Colleen brought one of her brothers. They loved church and felt the spirit! We are going to see them again tonight. We love them so much!!! :) 

Amanda is also doing great. She is getting baptized this Saturday!! She is super excited and is doing awesome! Last night she sent us the coolest text ever. It said,

 "You know, ever since we set the date for baptism I've actually felt more and more at peace. Before I could really feel Satan pulling at me but now when I feel his temptation I feel a stronger feeling pulling back at me. Almost like when you're kid and you want to steal a cookie or sneak out of your room and your heart races because you don't want to get caught. I get that feeling a lot lately and its like "okay, Amanda obviously you shouldn't do that, pull it together, take a step back and look more closer at what you are doing" the more I read the scriptures, the more my faith grows, the more I learn. It pulls me closer and closer to where I want to be and how I want to feel." 

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is real folks. It brings peace and happiness in this life as we live it! I love Vanderhoof so much and the people here. I feel so blessed to be out here and learning the things that have been learning. Last night we were knocking on some doors in town and one lady answered the door and was like "Are you Mormons!?" And we said "Yes, we are little Mormon girls." She invited us in and told us how she loved the Mormons! Apparently Elders knocked on her door a couple years ago and helped her family with fire wood when they were really in need. She said to tell our families how much she appreciates us coming out! It was a really cool experience. Heavenly Father is so aware of each of his children. Everything that is unfair in life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers. Please continue to have Vanderhoof in your prayers! I love you all so much! Have a great week! 

Sister Lofthouse
Colleen and Madison and their family. We ran into them at the park the day after our lesson and read some of the Book of Mormon with them. :) 

Vanderhoof Moose! 

Just using a chainsaw, no big deal ;)

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