Sunday, February 7, 2016

April 20, 2015: Asian Cowgirl

Hello Family and Friends! 

Its been an amazing week here in Vanderhoof! We have seen so many blessings! Last Monday evening we got to teach a man from Jamaica! Pretty sure he is the only black man in Vanderhoof so its awesome because its basically my life long dream to baptized a black man. :) It was really interesting lesson though! When we got there he said he could tell that we were representatives of Jesus Christ. We taught the Restoration and he was pretty open. Its was cool to see his genuine love for Christ and he is really knowledgeable! Then we had him say the prayer at the end and he prayed that The Lord's work would continue to move forward through us. So amazing! He is busy studying for some tests so we are hoping we will be able to meet up with him again soon!

This week we had our Ward Mission Leader and his wife (His wife served in the mission and in Vanderhoof) take us to Fort St. James, a small town 45 minutes away from Vanderhoof. We had something fall through so we were driving through town and he just took a random turn. There were a couple elderly 1st Nations people chopping and stacking woods so we stopped and helped them! They were so nice and it was awesome to serve like that. It softened their hearts and they let us in and we shared the Because He Lives video with them. We are planning on meeting up with them again! :) 

We also had another cool experience this week where a lesson fell through so we were stopping by some potentials in the area with our member but no one would answer... But we were led to this one potential's house named Kelly. She is probably around 50 and we had a really good chat with her at her doorstep. She has actually read the Book of Mormon about 25 years ago and feels like it is a sign from God that she needs to listen to us since we keep being put in her path. She told us about a near death experience she had where she saw Jesus Christ and from the experience she knows that God and Jesus Christ are two separate beings. So cool! She's been prepared. We will hopefully meet with her this week! 

Things really are going so well here! Its so amazing to see the Lord's hand in the work everyday. Sister Han is the sweetest thing ever and makes me laugh every day! Today she dressed up as a cowgirl and it was hilarious! I love you all! Thank you for your love and support! Have a great week! 

SIster Lofthouse
Asian Cowgirl

Vanderhoof Pride

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