Thursday, February 11, 2016

September 21, 2015: The Warmies

Hello Family and Friends! 

Its been another great week like always in Vanderhoof! The colors are changing and fall is here! I love seeing the beauty up here in BC. It is not just beautiful because of the scenery, but it is also beautiful because its where I have gotten to know my Savior better. :) 

This week we got to spend some time with Jasmine and her little baby boy, Noah. How cute, eh? A Bible name! She wasn't planning on it until she saw him and knew he looked like a Noah! :) We had a really good lesson with her where we got to talk more about how important the Book of Mormon is in gaining a testimony of the Restoration. She said that she is going to read it to Noah each night before he goes to bed so that by the time he gets baptized he will have it memorized! How cute. :) 

On Friday me and Sister Collier got to go to Fort St James and go on splits with Sister Arnold and Amanda. We were following up on some people we tracted into last week. Me and Amanda taught one of the most spiritual lessons I have ever had on my mission! We walked to the house of a lady named Kim that we tracted into last week that said to come by again. Kim is super sweet and let us in. She is in her 50s and she was letting us know how her daughter met a man on some online video game and started dating him. Turns out he is a member and they got married and her daughter is now a strong member of the church and lives in Idaho! She also explained how her grandparents were members and how she went to church when she was really young but her family fell away so she never got baptized. But while she was young she told God that if he had anything to tell her, to tell it to her in her dreams... Well, she had dreams. Then later she somehow got the Book of Mormon and as she read she found out that her dreams were the stories of the Book of Mormon! Whoa. We taught the Restoration to her and she loved the 1st vision and said she already knew it was true because her family had some experience with a pillar of light. She was interested in learning more about spiritual gifts so we left her Moroni 10 to read and pray about. Though out the lesson she kept telling us how comfortable she felt with us and she can tell that we had kind spirits and she doesn't want anyone to take that away. She is so sweet! As we were leaving she said that we gave her "the warmies!" We are super excited to go and see her this week! :) 

"The warmies" or the spirit is really just so amazing to feel. Happiness, peace, and joy come from feeling it. Our testimony deepens. I'm so grateful to be on my mission where I can feel it each day. Christ lives and he wants to make us feel of his love and that is why he sent The Holy Ghost, so we all have an opportunity to feel of that perfect love each day. I'm grateful that I have been called to the Canada Vancouver Mission where I get to share that love with the people of British Columbia. Do things that will help you feel the spirit and then share that love with others! :) Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers. I love you all. :) 

Sister Lofthouse
They don't call them Canadian Geese for nothing!

Hixon Burgers with the sisters :) 

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