Thursday, February 11, 2016

October 13, 2015: Canadian Thanksgiving! :)

Hello Family and Friends! 

Its been another great week in Vanderhoof! Transfer calls are this Saturday so I'm a little nervous... I have been up in this little town forever that I can't even imagine doing missionary work anywhere else! 

This week we saw a pretty cool miracle. The cabin that we live in is split into two apartments. A single mom, Char, with 3 girls just moved up from Vancouver to the other side of our cabin. Our landlord, Sister Mecham, was telling us that see felt that she needed to share the Gospel with the family when she first knew that they were going to be moving in but that she was a little nervous to know how to get us involved. Well, one night we had a few minutes between appointments so I started calling random Former Investigator's in our phone. The first lady we called said that she just moved back up to Vanderhoof from Vancouver... Then I put two and tow together and realized that she was the lady that just moved in! She met missionaries in 2013 but they didn't teach her a lot. She told us how she felt like God directed back to Vanderhoof for some reason and that she is looking for a church. We met up with her and the girls and she is so open. She is native and really loved the Book of Mormon. :) We are excited to continue to work with her. :) 

We were also able to teach Barbie again this week. She is so sweet and she came to all 3 hours of church and LOVED it! She so spiritual. She also has made so many good friends in the church. She was out horseback riding with the Bishop's wife yesterday. :) Please pray for Barbie! She believes that here are lots of pathways back to God and she says that she feels opposition within herself to committing to anything.

Me and Sister Collier had the Best Canadian Thanksgiving EVER! Canadians know how to celebrate Thanksgiving. Since it is on Monday, people also have a turkey dinner on Sunday as well. So we got to eat a Thanksgiving dinner Sunday and Monday. It was the best. People in Vanderhoof can cook! I love them all so much! I love serving up here with such dedicated members. There are so many that would doing anything fot us and would do anything for The Lord. I want to be like them someday. My mission has opened up my eyes to see really how blessed I am. To have a family that loves me no matter what. To have the knowledge and a testimony of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those are truly gifts from God that we can seek after. "lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better." Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers. I am grateful for you all. :)  Hope you a great week! 

Sister Lofthouse


Canadian Thanksgiving:  Before

Canadian Thanksgiving:  After

Canadian Thanksgiving:  Spreading the Word with Amanda

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