Sunday, February 7, 2016

March 16, 2015: "Is that guy... Dead?"

Hello Family and Friends!

Its been another great week here in good old Surrey! The wildest things happen to us. This week the crowning moment was when one morning we were talking to people at the bus exchange. We were at the far end of the bus exchange talking to a lady for a while then we started walking back across because we had an appointment... We see this small crowd of people standing around this lump on the ground. We get closer and we see that the lump is a man, face down on the pavement not moving at all. He look like he just killed over and his face broke his fall... So we felt really bad but there were others on the phone with 911 so we let them take care of it. Our appointment fell through so we came back a few minutes later and we think he is okay because we didn't see a body bag... But it was so crazy that it was kind of funny. We went out to find people to teach but instead we just found a dead man! 

As for our investigators we are teaching... Deanna is doing AWESOME! We taught her Tuesday and she found out that we are actually younger than her and it blow her mind! She has been reading The Book of Mormon and knitting to keep her from smoking. She is almost done with 1st Nephi and she loves it! She came to church again yesterday and she was so happy that she could get her own Gospel Principles book because it is something else that will help her not smoke. She really is just eating up the Gospel and is excited for her baptism on the 28th! She is just filled with happiness. Her testimony is growing! It is so amazing to see how the Gospel blesses lives. Pray for Deanna! :) 

We are also teaching this other really awesome lady right now. Her name is Gay and she is from BC. Me and sister McKee met her a couple months ago but lost contact for a bit. Last Monday we stopped by and we taught her the Word of Wisdom. We thought that she smoked and drank for sure because we always see cigarettes and beer cans at her house, but it turns our she as never smoke, drank, or has done drugs in her life! We were so surprised! All that stuff is her brother's. She just needed to quit drinking coffee but she committed herself to and we committed her to be baptized on the 31st! But unfortunately, she was really sick yesterday and didn't make it to church so we will have to reset her date. But she loves the Book of Mormon and all the things that we teach and she says that she is already converted! So she just needs to come to church 3 times and she is ready! :) 

Things really are going so great here! I feel so blessed to be teaching such prepared people. It's so cool to see how God puts us into people's path at just the right time. This truly is the Lord's work and I absolutely know that living The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings happiness not just in the life but in the life to come. Thank you all for your love and support! I hope you have a great week! 

Sister Lofthouse 

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