Thursday, February 11, 2016

October 5, 2015: Another Moose, Eh?

Hello Family and Friends!! 

It's been such a wonderful week in V-Hoof where we had many adventures and saw mighty miracles. I can't wait to share! 

We were able to go to Fort St. James and help a native family cut up their moose they got! They have a smoke house and were drying a lot of meat so that was cool to see. :) We got to cut up the fat around the heart into little chunks because they smoke it until its crispy and then eat it like popcorn! That kind of grosses me out a bit... But it was an adventure! And it was fun to help! :) 

On Friday, we were walking around town trying to talk to people to set up some appointments with new investigators. We talked to this one lady and decided it would be easier to meet her on the same street corner the next day and then walk together to a member's house (The Trueman's) for a lesson. Well, the next day we were waiting for her at the street corner which is actually by the safe home in town, but she never showed up. A car drove up and a lady got out and went up to the building but it was locked so she came and asked us if we knew any info about the safe homes. Then she asked who we were. "We are your Sister Missionaries in town!" We talked with her for a little and then we told her she could try this other safe home around the corner. A couple minutes later she came back up to us and told us how she had to leave an abusive relationship quickly and didn't have a place to stay and the safe home was full. She asked us if we could help her. So... We called up our bishop! What a Christlike man. He offered to let her stay with his family but they wouldn't be home for a couple hours... We got to know her a bit more and her name is Barbie! :) We told her how we were going over to a friends house right then so we all walked down the street to The Trueman's where we were going to have the original lesson. Barbie is super open and prepared by the Lord. We were able to teach her the Restoration and she loves it! She committed to read and pray and also come to Conference with us the next day. The Trueman's also offered us all dinner and Barbie couldn't even believe the kindness everyone was showing her. Then we took her out to Bishop's where she stayed the night and came to Conference the next day! She really enjoyed it! I was so cool to see how The Lord put us in the right place at the right time to help someone in need. Also, it amazes me to see what dedicated members we have up here. We have the best in BC! :) 

General Conference was like candy. So many good talks from the prophets and apostles. I feel like it has been a common theme for the past few conferences to be spiritually prepared for things and having a sure testimony. I liked the one talk by Larry  R. Lawrence that invited us to ask in prayer: "What is keeping me from progressing?" I asked that question in my prayer Saturday night but it wasn't until last night I received my answer. CHARITY! The Lord wants me to develop more charity. During personal study this morning I was looking over my notes from conference and the spirit helped me make this cool chain. We need to the Holy Ghost to see people in God's eyes. That is the way we obtain charity. Charity lifts up other's spirit's. Lifting up others spirits help us build up homes, communities, and the Kingdom of God! I also decided to "Ponderize" Moroni 7:46-47 this week that talks about how charity never fails. Its so true. Conference was so good and gave me so much strength! I invite you all to ask that question in prayer "What is keeping me from progressing?" God will answer and we will come closer to him as we follow the answer we receive. Also continue doing the small things that help us build our testimonies each day. We need to be prepared spiritually. Satan is tricky and will deceive us if we are not holding fast to the iron rod, the word of God. 

I am so thankful for how my testimony has grown on my mission.  I am grateful for the opposition that I have received because it gave me a sincere desire to find out from God if these things were true. They are. God is our loving Father in Heaven. Jesus is the Christ, our only way back to the Father. Joseph Smith was the prophet of the Restoration and Christ's full Gospel has been restored to the earth through him. Lasting happiness comes from following that Gospel. I love you all so much! Thank you for the love, support, and prayers! Have a great week! 

Sister Lofthouse

The smoke house! Yes, that is the moose's heart up there! 

Me and a Moose leg! (It was gross, but worth it for the picture) :) 
Sister Arnold cutting away with our friends! :) 

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