Sunday, February 7, 2016

March 30, 2015: DEANNA GOT DUNKED!

Hello Family and Friends! 

Its been an amazing week! I am leaving Surrey on such a good note. We got calls last night and I will be transferred up North to a small town called Vanderhoof. I hear that the sister's apartment up there is actually a cabin so that will be fun! And my new companion is from Taiwan! It will be such an adventure but I will miss Surrey and my little baby, Sister Zundel!

We got to prepare Deanna for baptism! She did awesome in her interview and the Elder who gave it said he almost started to cry when she bore her testimony on repentance. We also got to teach her Thursday in a member's home who is actually now her home teacher and he performed her baptism. She said that she had been popping hard candies in her mouth like crazy because the temptation to smoke was getting really hard. So we told her to keep popping them in!  We taught about temples and eternal families and she is excited to go! Then on Friday we went over and taught her one last time before her baptism. We read some scriptures with her and she shared this awesome experience about how the past week as had been praying at night that she wouldn't wake up wanting to smoke. But that Thursday night, she prayed with real faith knowing that God could take away that desire. Then in the morning she woke up and didn't want to smoke at all! She even went outside where her mom was smoking and it was gross to her! Amazing! That experience grew her faith even more. Saturday was a beautiful day and the sun was shining! We had such a good turn out from the ward and she had lots of support. We held the service in the chapel and it made it so spiritual. Her son didn't like the idea of her bring in the font so he screamed a little but it was so amazing to see her enter the waters of baptism.I know that God had prepared her to receive the Gospel at this time in her life so that she can raise her son in the Gospel and for her to be an example to her mom. She truly is a choice spirit. She will be an eternal friend to me! I feel so honored that Heavenly Father allowed me to teacher her. I feel so blessed and she has strengthened my testimony so much. I will miss her! Pray that I will be led to those who are being prepared to meet me and hear the message of the Restored Gospel in Vanderhoof! 

We also got an awesome media referral this week. Her name is Stephanie and she is so truth seeking! She has a job, a car, and a husband! She has had some hard things happen to her in the past but it has led her on her "personal journey" to look for truth from God. It was awesome because we took a member in the ward that has the same religious background and went through a similar journey of checking out different churches. We taught the Restoration and she loved it! When we were talking about how God calls prophets in every dispensation she said "We need a prophet today!" So we were like "We'll get there" :) Haha. But she is so excited to read from the Book of Mormon and pray about it. She likes how she can find out her herself and that she doesn't just have to take our word for it. When we were leaving she mentioned that she is so excited because she feels like this is what see has been looking for! It was a very exciting lesson! It will be cool to see where she goes! :) 

Well, I can't believe I'm leaving Surrey! This area so blessed and I have seen so many miracles from being here. I will miss all my friends here but I know that The Lord has called me to labor for a while in Vanderhoof. I love you all so much. I know that Christ's Gospel has been restored back on earth today. I know that he is preparing people to receive it. 

Sister Lofthouse 
Me and my district at the temple. :) 

Deanna and Coda!

The whole family :) 

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