Thursday, February 11, 2016

November 2, 2015: Are you a Believer?

Hello Family and Friends!
Its been another great week in the great city of Abbotsford! I have forgotten how much it really does rain in the lower main land though... Haha. We have been able to teach new people and see God's hand in the work. I love serving the Lord and I love serving others. :)
We got to teach Antone, the black guy we met on the street last Sunday and teach him the Restoration. Wow, it was a great lesson and he was very engaged and asked great questions. As we were introducing him to the Book of Mormon he asked if the one we brought was his, that he wanted to read it. We didn't even invite him yet! He really understood preisthood and that we need authority to get baptized! When we texted him to follow up he said that he told his friend about Joseph Smith! He has been busy with work so we haven't been able to see him again last week but hopefully this week!
Then we saw another really cool new investigator named Allie. She is a student at UFV, the unversity here in Abbotsford. She grew up going to lots of different churches with her family and has continued to do that because she is "looking for one that she connects with." We got the opportunity to teach her in the chapel at our church. She is super open and excited to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. She is in the middle of midterms right now but she said she is for sure coming to church this week though! She will build up the branch so well.:)
As for Ory, he was doing great at cutting down with smoking! We taught him tithing and he was excited to fast with us on Sunday. He even even to the YSA Halloween dance on Friday! We were going to see him Saturday but he cancelled 30 minutes before and expressed how hard change is and how he is not ready for it. We have lost contact and he didnt come to church... Please keep Ory in your prayers! Some of his friends from the branch and trying to reach out to him.
Even with the set back of Ory, we saw the Lord direct us in His work. One day we were walking downtown of Abbotsford but it just didn't feel right so we prayed for guidance. We got the impression to go to a dollar store on the other side of town... So we did! After a couple awkward attempts of talking to people in the store, Sister Schroeder started smelling the candles there are said hi to a guy walking by and showed him how one of the candles said "Miracles happen everyday". Then he asked, "Are you a believer?" We then were able to have a good Gospel conversation with this man named Franco, who is a born again Christian. He said that just moments before Sister Schroeder said hi that he was thinking about how he wished he could talk to someone about Christ. Wow, the Lord prepares people and puts us in their path if we seek for his spirit. We set a return appaoinment with Frnaco so hopefully that goes well!
In conclusion, I just want to end with some of my thoughts from my ponderizing scripture this week. We have a just God. But he is also our loving Heavenly Father. He wants to help us succeed. He weeps with us when we suffer and rejoices when we do what is right. He knew that in Earth life we would all sin. He also knew that no unclean thing could return to his presence. That is why he provided a Savior for us. That would take the penalty for our sins IF WE CHOOSE TO COME UNTO HIM."For he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he invieth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male or female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile." 2 Nephi 26:33.He invites us ALL to partake in his goodness. We have all fallen short of the glory of God and we need Jesus Christ. Satan will try to do whatever he can to deceive and distract us to make us miserable like unto himself. We cannot let him win. There is too much on the line. We must actively look towards the Savior and choose to accept his invitation to come unto him. Change can be hard. Satan will tell us we can't do it. But those who choose to follow Jesus Christ, choose to be changed. There is NOTHING he can't help us with. There is no sorrow so great that he can't comfort us. There is no sin so big that he hasn't already suffered for. He denies none that come unto him. Let us all choose to come unto him. To have faith in him enough to follow his commandments and believe in his blessings. To repent of the things that are keeping us from enjoying the full blessings of His Gospel. To renew and live our convenants by partaking of the sacrament each week. that is how we "partake in His goodness." Then let us faithfully endure to the end. As we press forward with faith and keep our convenants, its a promise from our loving Heavenly Father that "Ye shall have eternal life." It is that eternal life where we are able to be our eternal family. Together forever in a perfect state of joy. I can't think of anything greater. "It is the most precious and most desirable... yea, it is the greatest of all the gifts of God." I love you all so much! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers.
Sister Lofthouse

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