Friday, February 12, 2016

January 18, 2016: I'm moving to Vancouver!!!

Hello Family and Friends!
Its been a great week in Abbotsford, but it was also my last! Saturday we got transfer calls and both me and Sister Schroeder are leaving the area. I'm being transferred to Vancouver 1st ward! I have always wanted to serve in Vancouver so its like a dream come true. :) I will miss all my friends in the YSA branch though...
We were able to meet up again with Moe. Who is that black guy I wrote about last time who loves Jesus Christ. We reveiwed the Restoration becasue we wanted to make sure he really understood. He had read the things we left in the Book of Mormon as well. :) We asked him if he believes the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored though the prophet Joseph Smith and he said yes. We also asked him if he believes the Book of Mormon is the word of God and he basically said you would have to be a fool to not think so! Haha. :)
Its been a little dry with lessons this week but we have been working and trying so hard! On Satuday we basically walked around the whole day and it was cool because lots of people recognized us and remembered who we were! Makes me feel good to see that we have some sort of influence on people that they rememebr us and want to come up and talk to us. :)
I have learned so much while serving here in the Abby YSA area. :) There aren't too many branch members, but the ones we have help us out so much! It has shown me what I want to be when I am back at home as a RM. The area has put a load on my shoulders where I have been able to get some spirtual traction! My testimony and confidence has grown so much while being here. I have learned a lot more about charity and and also humility, and relying on the Lord. I am thankful for this chapter in my mission and for the next one in Vancouver! I'm ready to sprint to the end. :) I love you all so much. Thanks for your love and support. :)
Sister Lofthouse

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