Its been a great week in good ol' Canada! Thank you all for you birthday wishes. I have the best family in the world! On Tuesday we went out and hit the streets of Vanderhoof to talk to people. While we were, we ran into this inactive guy and his girlfriend. He is super nice to missionaries and took us out for lunch! He bought us poutine! Which is a lovely Canadian dish which consists of fries, gravy, and cheese. It was delicious! In the evening we went and ate dinner at Sister Mecham's and she made homemade ice cream cake and it was delicious. That lady makes everything homemade. We are so blessed to live right next door to her in her cabin! :) Then later that evening we went our to the ward mission leader's house, The Arnold's, for more cake and ice cream. Amanda (our investigator) and a part member family in the ward came as well. :) It was a good old time. It really was a great day though. Can't think of anything better than serving the Lord on my birthday! :)
On Thursday we had a lesson fall through in the morning so we decided to stop by a former investigator that me and Sister Han taught once. She was home and let us in! She has been going through some really hard times. Her dad passed away a few months ago but it has soften her heart to the idea of religion. It was kind of cool because the Elders ran into her the day before and gave her a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and she read it and really liked it. We taught her it and you could tell it got her really thinking. It will be a slower process with her because she doesn't have any religious background but she is pretty open so she can get there. At the end of the lesson she said the prayer (her first prayer ever) and it was so heart felt and amazing. The spirit was so strong! :)
Our investigator, Amanda, is doing great! She has been going through some rough times which leads her to smoke. Thursday evening she was able to receive a priesthood blessing to help her out. We also set her to be baptized on the 4th of July! God bless America. The next day we got a call from her and she told us that "weird things were going on." So we were kind of freaked out for a second but then she told us that she woke up with lots of energy and the craving to smoke wasn't there! God is real. She is doing great and she came to sacrament meeting yesterday!
Also, the funniest thing happened to us this week! We were walking around tracting in town and saw a sign for a garage sale. So we go up to check it out. Well, it was actually at a former investigator's house that me and Sister Han did service at once. She was happy to see us and we got to talk to her friend who has helping out as well. After talking to them for a bit they gave us free cinnamon rolls! Being the fatties that we are, we went back to the car to eat them. Then a little later we went to visit this really sweet old couple in the ward and they feed us dinner. Afterwards they said we could practice teaching a lesson to them. So we were teaching the Plan of Salvation and Sister Tennison was talking about our life here on earth and then all of the sudden she stops and looks at me with the biggest eyes ever and was like "I think I'm going to throw up!" So she stands up and freaks out for a second but then finds the bathroom. Me and the old couple just looked around at each other in silence while she was right next door in the bathroom throwing up. Anyways, me and Sister Tennison just get the biggest kick out of it now. :) Missions... what adventures! :)
Well I hope you are all doing so good! :) I was just thinking this morning about how blessed I truly feel up here in Canada on my mission. This place will always be special to me. It is where I have gotten to know my Savior and myself so much. Jesus Christ truly is our Savior and Redeemer. He lives and is ready to help us today! By following his Gospel we find joy not just in this life but in the one to come. :) I love you all! Thanks for your love, support, and prayers!
Sister Lofthouse :)
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