Friday, February 12, 2016

December 14, 2015: Sikh Temple!

Hello Family and Friends!! 

Its been another great week. Time flies and I cant believe Christmas is next week! Its been a week of adventures and we are back in our Abby YSA area. :) 

Last Monday we went to the Sikh Temple that is right across the street from the Stake Center in Abbotsford. For those that don`t know, Sikh is the common religion in East India. We always heard you could just go into the temples and the would feed you so we decided to try it out. So we went with all the sisters in the zone! You have to cover your head so me all were styling nice scarfs and we just walked right in. Then we noticed that there were selves were shoes were... so we just followed the crowd and took our shoes off too! Then a nice Sikh man found us and said ``Food this way.`` They led us into a big cafeteria and gave us a huge metal tray and started filling it up with Indian Food! We all got our trays and sat down and then we saw a sign on the wall that scared us... It said ``No Leftovers.`` Uh oh... There was so much food! And we weren't sure what we were even eating. But it was all pretty good. :)   We were just so full! We weren't sure what else to do there and we felt awkward so we just left after that. But it was a cool experience and they were so nice to us there! 

Wednesday was transfer day and we spent a lot of the day driving around picking up sisters and getting them to their areas. But as a tender mercy of the Lord, I was able to see Sister McKee! This is her last transfer so Im glad I could see her one last time before she goes back to New Zealand. 

Jasper is doing great! This week we were able to teaching him the 10 commandments and the Sabbath day. We asked him what he thought the blessings were from Keeping the Sabbath Day holy and it was amazing. He just quoted what is right in Preach My Gospel! Then our next lesson we taught Temples and Family History Work and The Priesthood. We asked him if he would want a priesthood blessing and he said yes. The branch mission leader and some other men from the branch were in the building so we went and grabbed them and they came and gave Jasper a blessing. It was amazing! In it it expressed God`s love for him, that God was so proud of Him, that he didn't meet the missionaries by accident, and that God will need him to be an instrument in His hands to bless the lives of others. It was so cool and a lot of Jasper`s concerns were addressed. Then we had the adult session of stake conference right after that that we all went together for that. Jasper also came on Sunday and President Burt spoke and got to meet Jasper afterwards. The big thing at Conference was keeping the Sabbath day holy and Jasper said ``I was planning on going out and looking at cars today, but now I think I will do something different.`` He is so awesome! Last night we had another little lesson with him and we went over the baptismal interview questions with him and he passed all of them! Just a few weeks ago he wasn`t even sure God was there. But he has been experiencing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he has seen a change for the better. He loves the scriptures and just started at the beginning of the Book of Mormon and is already applying all of the stories to himself. He is on his way for his baptism on the 27th! He says its a great present from the Savior to be baptized so close to Christmas. :) 

The worth of every soul is so great. Because of a great worth of a soul, our loving Heavenly Father allowed Jesus to complete his foreordained mission to become our Savior. Jesus Christ yielded Himself to scourging, humiliation, suffering, and finally crucifixion because of the great worth of the soul. There is no greater expression of love than the heroic Atonement performed by the Son of God. We would never be able to be clean from our sins or break the bands of death. The requirement to overcome those things were fulfilled by the vicarious sacrifice of one who was sinless and who could therefore take upon Himself the sins of all mankind. I am so grateful for the great gift of the Atonement. Thank you all for your love support and prayers. I hope you can focus on understanding this great gift this Christmas. :)

Sister Lofthouse

Kitty and the Tri!
Sisters Schroeder, Mumford, and Lofthouse

Maple leaves in Maple Ridge. 

Me, Sister Schroeder, and the Sikh Temple!

Mt. Baker

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