It has been a crazy week with transfers! Sister McKee got sent all the way up north to Prince George and I am still in Surrey but training a brand new missionary, Sister Zundel, from Ogden, Utah. She is awesome!
Last Monday we took a trip with some other Sisters in the area to downtown Vancouver! It was so fun to see the big city! We didn't have too much time there so we mostly just looked at touristy shops. While we were walking around, this one homeless guy stopped us and was trying to sell us a picture of an Indian chief that he drew on computer paper. When we were talking he was like "Hey! Are you Mormon!?" And we were like yes... The he said "I'm Mormon too!" We thought he was lying to try to get us to buy his picture but then he explained how his dad is a stake president in Washington and how his favorite hymn is put your shoulder to the wheel so we were like okay he is telling the truth. Then he asked if we had a Book of Mormon he could have and then he told us the story of Alma the younger and stuff! So we gave him one :) So that was a random cool experience to have!
Another crazy story that happened to us this week is that we got a random call from a guy one night saying that he feels like he has dark magic around him and that he sees ghosts and stuff so he is looking for some spiritual help. So we set up a time the next night to go see him... We were a little nervous because we had no clue what we were getting ourselves into! His name is Robby and he is Indian but was born in Canada. He feels like Sikhism is confusing and he likes Christianity. But he is really set on weird Christian repetitive prayers... So we tried teaching about prayer and we moved into The Plan of Salvation and Sister Zundel was testifying about the Atonement and he thought the resurrection was awesome! And right when the spirit was there... The doorbell rang and it was KFC delivering them their dinner... And the spirit was gone... But his mom sat in on the lesson and she really liked us and they said they would all come to church. They really wanted us to eat with them so we did and while we did Robby played a repetitive prayer that casts out demons and stuff for us and it was the creepiest thing ever... But he say when he plays it, it makes the ghost leave his room. But it was a pretty crazy lesson and we didn't have much control... But Robby. his son, and his mom came to church yesterday so that was cool!
Elise also came to church yesterday! We didnt have contact with her also last week until Saturday when we called her and she asked "So I'll see you at church tomorrow?" before we could even invite her. So that was awesome! A guy in the ward gave his farewell address and the spirit was so strong and Elise loved it! Pray that we can set a baptismal bate with her this week! :)
Well, thank you all for your love and support! Hope you are all doing well! have a great week!
Sister Lofthouse
A view from Vancouver |
Oh Canada... |
Bye Sister McKee! |
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