Friday, February 12, 2016

December 28, 2015: Brother Jasper Banh :)

Hello Family and Friends! 

Its been another great week in the country of Canada. :) We have been able to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and share that hope with others. Also, we saw our friend Jasper get baptized. To say the least, we had a great week! :)

We had some really awesome lessons with Jasper leading up to his baptism yesterday. One night we taught him missionary work and it was probably one of the most spiritual lessons I have ever had! We really wanted and felt strongly that he should commit to serve a mission. As we taught he expressed that he was a little nervous. We read bits of Alma 26 talking about we can do all things with Christ's help. Then we just bore powerful testimonies of missionary work and then he said that he has actually been thinking about serving a mission. And he committed to prepare! It was amazing! He texted us one day and said that he had been studying Alma 5 and he liked how it talked about a change of heart because he has felt that. So on Christmas we had a little lesson where we reviewed that chapter and read Mosiah 5 and talked more about the baptismal covenant. He was so ready and as we were filling out the baptismal service he agreed to bare his testimony at it! That night we got a text from him and it said "I feel like I used to be sacred of the dark, literally speaking when all the lights were turned off, but lately it seems that I haven't been anymore. I feel protected now. Thank you for taking the time to share the gospel with me, its really brought me peace, shown me forgiveness, taught me to take care of myself, to trust and believe and so many more blessings to count. I've been given a new start and a new family this Christmas and couldn't ask for anything more. Merry Christmas, Sisters!" Wow. That made Christmas for us!! 

Yesterday was a beautiful day for a baptism. It was snowing and it was so beautiful! Jasper was baptized right after the church service so that many of the branch members could stay for it. It was amazing to see all the support from the branch. :) The ordinance was beautiful and the spirit was there. Afterwards Jasper bore his testimony in front of everyone! Jasper said that if you asked him 2 months ago where he thought he'd be in two months he would have never said church. He said that 2 months ago he knew about Jesus Christ but now he knows Jesus Christ. He also said that growing up he never had much family, but now he has a new family. He said that the gospel has given him greater purpose, direction, peace and happiness to his life. He said that he has learned how to trust again. It was amazing. The Gospel of Jesus Christ literally changes us. "Hearts are changed through faith on His name." Its been a great blessing to teach Jasper and see his faith grow so much. He will do great things! :) 

I had the best Christmas of my life this year. And it was because I was in the service of the Lord. And when you serve the Lord you are blessed. I would say that one of the reasons I came out on my mission was because I was wanting to repay my Heavenly Father for His goodness that he has shown me throughout my life. But I have learned that you can never do more for the Lord than He can for you. God has been so good to me in my life and especially on my mission. I have seen weaknesses become strengths, trials become triumphs, and adversities turn into adventures.  I have received witnesses from the spirit here on my mission that I know that I wouldn't have gotten back at home. I know that God is our Eternal Father and that he loves us. He weeps with us when we suffer and rejoices when we do what is right. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world. From living his gospel we find peace and happiness in this life, and joy for eternity. Christ directs his church today and he restored it trough that Prophet Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and has brought me so much solace on my mission. The work is the Lord's work. As we lose ourselves in it, we find ourselves and so many great blesses. God is so good. When I just think of his goodness I tear up a bit. Never forget that he loves you and is aware of you. Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers. I love you all so much! 

Sister Lofthouse
Christmas eve selfie
Christmas Morning :)
On Canadian Christmas you get crowns

Jasper's Baptism! 
This is our neighbor, Mr. Gil! Whenever he sees us he gives up candy and tells us "I miss you too too much!" or "You are my true true best friend." or "You teach me English." He is the cutest and always brightens our days! :) 
Before going out for a few hours in the freezing rain...
After... lol

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