Monday, February 8, 2016

June 1, 2015: Sand Baggin'

Hello Family and Friends! 

Its been a great week in Vanderhoof! We got to meet with some new investigators and saw miracles! 

On Wednesday we took a trip to a little town outside of Vanderhoof and met up with an older 1st nations lady names Sally. She is really sweet and we were able to teach her the Restoration and she accepted the invitation to be baptized! But she didn't come to church yesterday so that's a bummer. But we saw a huge miracle last night! I called a random saved number in our phone, Elaina. Well the voicemail definitely wan't Elaina because it was a man's voice. But a couple minutes later we got a call from a random guy named Jason saying that we just called. I was super confused, but turns out he has this Elaina's number so we told him we were missionaries and asked him if he would want to learn more and he said yes so we taught him in a member's home last night. We taught the restoration and he asked how he could get the priesthood. Uhh... GET BAPTIZED! Haha. We will pass him to the Elders to teach but he is really cool! 

The river going through Vanderhoof has been flooding so we had been volunteering to fill up sand bags and put them by people's houses to protect them. The river has been going up by 13 inches a day. Its crazy! Yesterday they cancelled the last two hours of church so that we could all go two and help. It was cool to see so many members helping in the community! Wednesday we also helped out and there was a long line of people passing the sand bags and we did that for 2 hours and my little arms could not handle it. That was truly enduring to the end! 

Things are going well. Please keep the people of Vanderhoof in your prayers! Thanks you all for your love and support! I love you all! 

Sister Lofthouse 

Sister Tennison, Sister Rubie Arnold, Sister Lofthouse

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