Thursday, February 11, 2016

September 8, 2015: "Heavenly Father, bring a new life into this world!"

Hello Family and Friends! 

It's been another great week in Vanderhoof and I can't believe I have been here for almost 6 months! Time flies. I love it so much up here. 

This week we got to help our investigator, Jasmine, put together her baby room. We had a little lesson afterwards and she committed to get baptized! :) We set up a time the next day to come see her for another lesson but when we knocked she wasn't home... We got a hold of our recent convert, Amanda, and she said that she was at the hospital with Jasmine because she was showing signs of going in to labor! So we went up to the hospital to see her. It was funny because when Sister Collier got out of the truck to walk into the building she said, "Heavenly Father, bring a new life into this world!!" The nurses sent Jasmine to Prince George because all the doctors in Vanderhoof were on vacation. We haven't been able to see her since but we are excited to see the new baby! :) 

One day this week we were able to go to Fort St James to do some tracting over there. We had Amanda with us and we knocked into this really nice first nations guy, Gage. He is 19 and he said he was interested in learning more. So we asked if we could come later in the day for a lesson since we are only over there about once a week. So we met up a little later and he is super open and prepared! We taught the Restoration and he understood everything so well and committed to be baptized! What a miracle that was to find and teach him! 

We are also teaching another YSA aged girl named Kara. She is also first nations and this week we had a second lesson with her. During our first lesson it didn't really seem like she was that interested but in this lesson she brought a notebook and she had read the chapter that we left her in the Book of Mormon! We had a really good lesson and then she asked us about how we don't drink coffee and we were able to teach her the Word of Wisdom and she committed to live it! She was going to come to church but something came up... So hopefully this week! 

I love seeing all the miracles in Vanderhoof. Even though it is a little town the Lord prepares people to receive us. I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to serve as a missionary. Happiness comes from living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Greater happiness comes as we do that and serve others. Serving God and building up his kingdom is truly how we find ourselves. I'm thankful that the Lord chooses to work through the weak and the simple. I know that he is so aware of us and will answer our prayers as we pray in faith. Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers. Have a great week! 

Sister Lofthouse
We had to have some fun while we were up at the hospital. lol. :) 

Minion Rock! 

There are reasons why I don't eat pork...

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