Friday, February 12, 2016

December 21, 2015: Feed My Sheep

Merry Christmas Family and Friends! 

I can't believe its almost Christmas! It doesn't really feel like it... It snowed one day! I have really missed the snow. Me and Sister Schroeder had fun with snow balls. :)  We have been sharing the Christmas cheer this whole week! One day we were walking out on the streets and this one homeless Indian man on a bike stops and talks to us. His English was really hard to understand and when he was sounding out Sister Schroeder's name, he gave up and just called her Sister Sacramento because he lived in California for a bit. We talked for a bit and he went his way. Later that night we were on that some street and we ran into him again. He had some coins in his hand and started to Jingle them. He wanted us to sing Jingle bells but we just sang silent night to his jingling. It was really fun/funny! :) 

This week we had a zone meeting all about the Atonement. Me and Sister Schroeder had the opportunity to do a training on teaching the Atonement to our investigators. It was a little intimidating because there were 2 zones but it went really well. We role played as if we were teaching Jasper the Atonement and we focused on asking inspired questions and it all went great! Plus we saw a Christmas miracle... I did not have the curse of the shaky voice!!! :) The atonement is real. :) It was also great because we were able to use that same lesson plan and teach Jasper that evening. We reviewed the Atonement with him and he had just watched a Conference talk by President Monson on the Atonement so it went great! He said that words like "faith, belief, prophets" didn't really mean anything to him before. But now they mean so much to him! Then Saturday night we were able to teach him again and we were reviewing repentance and he had just randomly read Alma 36 right before the lesson so he thought that was really cool. During this lesson he also said that the words "Feed my Sheep" has been replaying in his mind. We are going to be teaching him missionary work this week and we are super excited because we know he would be a great missionary! We are planning on taking a recent convert in the branch who has a mission call to come teach with us. :) Yesterday Jasper had a good day at church and and he invited members of the branch to be apart of his baptismal program. Plus, yesterday is passed his baptismal interview so he is all good to go for this Sunday! Jasper is so awesome!!! 

I am grateful to be out and about this Christmas in the service of the Lord. There is so much darkness and sadness in the world.. It can be a lonely time of year for some. Even though its dark and cloudy hear in BC, we have a light, Jesus Christ. "He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death." (Mosiah 16:9) What a great message of hope the Gospel is. I love the Lord. He lives. He is our Savior and Redeemer and its through him we can find a never ending hope and life. He is the head of this church. He directs it through His prophet on earth. We can know that by reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. It contains the words of Christ. ``It speaketh of Jesus Christ, and persuadeth them to believe in him and to endure to the end, which is life eternal.`` (2 Nephi 33:4) I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and that you truly remember that a Savior was born and the ``immediate goodness of God`` and that it will cause you to ``raise your voices and give thanks to God.`` (Mosiah 25:10) I am thankful for God`s love and for his Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers. Merry Christmas. :) 

Sister Lofthouse

We wanted to make a Christmas card... So here it is. :)

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