Sunday, February 7, 2016

April 6, 2015: Vanderhood: My cabin, my truck, my cat, and my Asian

Hello Everyone! 

It has been a crazy week! I left Surrey and now I'm way up North in the heart of Canada in a little town called Vanderhoof, but I like to call it Vanderhood. :) Transfers were crazy. Wednesday was the most stressful day of my mission so far! I had to put on my big girl skirt and ride a plane all by myself! My Sister Training Leaders gave me my ticket confirmation number and dropped me off at the airport and basically said "Good Luck!" So I go in and find a machine to put in my number and get my ticket. Yeah... the confirmation number wasn't correct. I tried a different machine and it still didn't work... So I said a little prayer. Right after that an airport man asked my if I needed help. "YES!" God answers prayers. Haha. So everything worked out and I made it on the plane. But then my carry-on didn't fit! So it was fun trying to move things around in it so that it wouldn't be so fat while I was holding up the line for people to sit down. Anyways, I finally made it to my seat. I sat by a really nice lady and taught her The Gospel the whole trip. It was awesome! Then I finally made it up North! :) 

Vanderhoof is awesome! Its a small little town and it kind of feels like Aston or Island Park. We live in a cabin! (which has a mouse) and we get to drive a brand new pick up truck. My companion is Sister Han and she is from Taiwan and its basically the funniest thing being up her with her! She is also the sweetest thing ever! 

The members here are AMAZING! Part of our area is another little town called Fort St. James which about 45 minutes from Vanderhoof. One member called us up and wanted to come out there with us for the day. I couldn't believe it! She even drove us and fed us lunch and dinner! Then yesterday we were talking to a member and they said they had someone for us to teach. They talked to a waitress at a restaurant and she is super interested! Well, the member said that they would call her and set up an appointment. I've never had a member set up a teaching appointment before. It was awesome! 

Conference was awesome! So many amazing talks. We had our investigator Amanda there. She is in her early 20's and has a little boy but she is awesome! She loved conference! 

Things are going great here in Vanderhoof. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I love you all so much! Please keep Vanderhoof in your prayers! :) 

Sister Lofthouse 

Sister Han and our cat Thomas! 

The cabin!

The truck! Haha 

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