Hello Family and Friends!
Its been another amazing week in Vancouver!! Apart from it raining all day everyday, the Lord has been so good to us and we have seen so many blessings and miracles. Plus the city is just an adventure everyday! :) This week me and Sister Unwin were talking down a busy street in downtown and this homeless guy sees us and says, "The dark side is better, honey." We just kept walking because it was so hilarious! :)
Elizabeth and Roy area couple we are teaching. They live right next rood to a recent convert in the ward. They are so humble and open. They read two chapters of the Book of Mormon together everyday and are already up to 2 Nephi 21. It was pretty funny because last night we went over to have a little Book of Mormon read with them and we just planned to read the chapter they were on... Well we didn't know they were on the Isiah chapters! So we read another one. But they are doing so well and are opening up a lot more with us. Book of Mormon = Conversion.
Cool miracle. So we got a text from other sisters saying to contact this lady named Jwan who met Sisters in Abbotsford. So we did! And we met up with her. And it turns out that Sister Schroeder actually talked to her a couple weeks back and wrote our number on a pamphlet. Jwan was going through a hard time and gave it a call. Then she turns out to live in Vancouver so the sisters gave her number to us. Our lives in Abbotsford still lives on! Jwan is super sweet. She is a about 50 and is from Iraq. She has a pretty solid concept of Jesus Christ and is looking for a lot of peace right now. She is in hard living conditions and her husband has passed away. So she is sooo prepared for the Gospel and it will bless her life so much! She committed to be baptized at the end of the month!
Cool miracle. The other day we were walking down a busy street and I am still working on how to stop people to talk to them when they are walking the other way as me... But I saw this black woman and I really wanted to talk to her and she stopped!! She shared a bit about the Book of Mormon and she just up for meeting again! Her name is Antoinette and a few days later we got to meet up for a lesson at the church. She said that she hasn't been to church in about 10 years from when her sister passed away. She was confused and had lots of questions that she didnt fell like were answered. She said about a year ago she met Elders on the street but never actually sat down to talk with them. She said that when we spoke to her she took it as a sign that this is what she needs! She is also super prepared and we just testified of how the Gospel will help her and how the Book of Mormon will answer the questions of her soul.
Cool miracle. The other evening we went on a short little split with the YSA sisters here in Vancouver because double booked ourselves with appointments. So I head to downtown for a lesson while Sister Unwin stayed at the church for a little ward BBQ that we had an investigator coming to... So we had a good lesson in downtown and the sister I am with is new to Vancouver as well. So the member that came with us took us to the train station but it was a different one than how we got there... But on the walk we saw a cosco!!! So we had to get a hot dog... then we got on the train and had to go and catch another train to get back to the church. As we get on the second train I sit down in front of this man and he said "Hey Sisters! I'm a member!" So we chatted with him and he was telling us of his bad addictions and he was just so amazed that we ran into him because he was on his way to Seattle and just 30 minutes to meeting up he was praying and telling God that if God wanted him to change the pathway of his life that He would put someone in his path to help him. Then then we walked on the his train and sat right in front of him. he said that he would be contacting Elders wherever he ends up. God is real. He loves us and answers our prayers. Its amazes me when God uses us to answer the prayers of one of His children.
Cool miracle. Sister Unwin had a dream a few nights ago that we were walking down this dark neighborhood and from the dream she remembered the street we were on. So we looked on the map of where the street was and it was in a place we call "The Insert" because it is an insert of the map. Haha. But we planned to go there and how things worked out we were there at night. It was a little scary but its such a good residential area with lots of middle class people. :) We knocked some doors and the miracle was that everyone was so nice to us even though they weren't interested. Yesterday we had a little of time to go there but we weren't sure it would be worth our time because of the long bus ride. So we prayed and still felt like we should go! So we did! On the 3rd door we knocked at we met a super cool woman, Laura, who is interested and invited us back on Tuesday! She is the reason we felt prompted to go there! :) God is so aware of us and the people in Vancouver. :)
Its been an amazing week. "By faith men may bring thousands of souls unto repentance."I have been reading about the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's in the Book of Mormon and I think Alma 24 is my new favorite chapter. These people, these recent converts, were truly convert to the Lord. They were fully committed, they loved God, and they were kingdom builders. In Chapter 24 every time they mention God they always mention how great he is. They knew truly the great blessings God had giving them that they could become converted to the Lord. They had no desire to sin. They even buried their weapons so that it wasn't even a choice anymore. As the Lamanites came to war against them they did not fight because they had so much faith in the Lord, that all would be okay if they were killed. 1,005 of these people were slain and they were praises God as they perished. "But behold how many of these have laid down their lives ; and we know that they have gone to their God, because of their love and of their hatred to sin." Because of that act more than a thousand of the Lamanites were converted. "And thus we see that the Lord worketh in many ways to the salvation of his people." I love you all. I love my mission. Thank you for your support and prayers.
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