Thursday, February 11, 2016

November 9, 2015: "How Embarrassing for the Elders Behind Us"

Hello Family and Friends!
Its been the best week ever here is Abbotsford! We saw so many blessings and the Lord is just so merciful to us. :)
One tuesday, I got to go on an exchange with Sister Xie from China! :) Asians are the best and they are killing it in their area. I was staying in Abbotsford with her, which was an adventure because I dont really know the area that well. I only got honked at once while drinving because I couldn't decided if we needed to turn or not at a green light. Haha. But we made it! We were able to meet with a couple new investigators that go to UFV. One is Manraj and his family is Sikh but he is confused about who God is and wants to learn more about Christianity. He also brought a friend to the lesson and he is christian and we taught the restoration and the christian friend was super excited to read the Book of Mormon. So we are meeting up with them again this week and will see how it goes. :)
Then that evening we had a couple lessons fall through and we decieded to text Ory and see if he could meet up with us. He has been overwhelmed with change and has been having a hard time recognizing answers to prayers. We read Alma 7 with him and we are trying to help him have a spiritual experience with the Atonement and build his faith. He did come to church this week though and seemed to enjoy it.
On Friday was my first Mission Leadership Council. Its a meeting with the Mission President and all the zone leaders and Sister Training Leaders in the mission. It was fun because I got to see my old companions, Sister Ditto and Sister Zundel. President Burt gave a great training on "Lighting The Mission on Fire!" As he was giving his spirit filled training, a phone went off behind us and I thought to myself "How embarrassing for the Elders behind us" becasue it was a voice recorded ring tone of some missionaries singing very poorly. It keeps going off and no one does anything.... Then me and Sister Schroeder realized that it was our phone! We had forgotten that we set a new alarm the day before and it had never gone off before so we didnt know the ring tone... Plus I didnt think it was ours because our phone was off. Well ,apparently those alarms go off even if the phone is off... Who knew? We were just providing everyone with a nice little musical while President Burt was training. There is never a dull moment with me around! Haha...
The Chinese Sisters in the Zone passed us a super cool investigator named Jasper. He has no background in religion and is looking to come to know God. He has Mormon friends growing up and has followed Mormon bloggers and it has always interested him. On Wednesday we were able to have a lesson with him in the chapel of the church and the spirit was so strong. We taught the Restoration and he really understood everything including preisthood power. He committed to be baptized on November 29 and yesterday he came to church with us and really liked it! He even told a branch member that he was going to keep coming so thats a good sign! He is really just soaking things up and committed to the Word of Wisdom. He is golden! Please keep Jasper in your prayers that he will be protected over. :)
I love being on the mission so much. I wouldn't change it for anything. I get scared when I just think about where my life would be if I didn't decide to go. God loves us. He wants us to be happy and successful. He numbers us and we are all number 1 to him. This life is not easy, living the Gosple is not always easy, salvation did not come with an easy price. It cost the blood of the grestest who ever lived. How grateful I am for the Savior who has decended below us all. Because of him we can over come anything. Anything that is unfair in life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Living the Gospel is all so worth it. Hold on to the faith that we have. I love you all so much. Thank you for all your love and support. It means so much.
Sister Lofthouse

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