Monday, February 8, 2016

May 11, 2015: Vanderhoof is getting TRAINED!

Hello Family and Friends! 

Its been a great week in Vanderhoof! It's such a  blessed area and is so beautiful! Last Monday for P-day our ward mission leader took us on a hike because it was Sister Han's last P-day as a missionary.  It had been rainy all morning but once we got out to hike it stopped! We went to some river and hiked to the falls and it was crazy to see how much water was coming down! We also saw 5 black bears while we were driving! It was crazy. Sister Han tells her family back home that she lives in a zoo! 

Monday evening we got 2 new investigators! Its a lawyer in town and his wife. His wife is from Taiwan! We taught the Restoration and it went so well! I was a little nervous teaching a lawyer but the spirit was there and he was excited to read the Book of Mormon. They have 2 little boys and the wife, Li Qing loves the family views of the church and when we pray in her house. Its really interesting teaching them both because she has no Christian background and the husband, Michael, knows quite a bit about the church because he works with lots of members. I'm excited to continue to teach them! It will be a little harder without sister Han though. :)

We are teaching this cool YSA aged boy. He is so open but still not sure if God is really there. We taught him the Plan of Salvation and we invited him to be baptized and he said the lesson gave him a lot of things to think about because he said he never really thought about that stuff before. But it was funny because while we were leaving Sister Han told him he liked his sunglasses and he gave them to her as a gift from Canada. Then later we discovered they were made in Taiwan and it was hilarious!! :) 

Saturday night we got transfer news! I was SHOCKED! I'm going to be training a brand new missionary again up here in Vanderhoof! An Elder is going to get trained in the area as well. But I'm so excited because that means I'll be taking a plane down to Vancouver to pick her up this week so I probably wont be back in Vanderhoof until Friday! I get to see Vancouver in the Summer!!! :) Life is great. I'm excited for this new chapter in my mission. It is definitely so humbling to train. I know I will learn so much. Thank you all so much for your love and support! It was so good to talk to family yesterday. I love you all soooo much!!!! 

Sister Lofthouse :) 

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