Thursday, February 11, 2016

December 7, 2015: Master the Tempest is Raging...

Hello Family and Friends!
Its been another super busy week as a tri! But I am sad to say it is our last week. We got transfer news! Me and Sister Schroeder will be staying in Abbotsford YSA and Sister Mumfor will be getting a new companion for her area. :)
Jasper is doing AWESOME! This week we had a lesson with him where we just read 1 Nephi 8 and talked about the tree of life. He loved it! We also asked him what he thought the "mist of darkness" was and he got it! Temptations. He also watched the mormon message called "Hope of God's Light." and he really liked it. He said that he is no longer looking for a sign if God is there. He also went to institute this week and enjoyed learning about the Old Testament. Then our next lesson we taught him of tithing and fasting. He has so much faith! He accepted it like that and wanted a tithing slip right there! He has been reading the Book of Mormon daily and is now going to start from the beginning. He watches mormon messages online and then looks up all of the scriptures they use afterwards. We gto a text from him this week that said, "Really liked Genesis 19 where lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt." He is on fire with the Gospel! He even fasted with us yesterday. :) Its amazing how God prepares the hearts of his children to receive the message of the gospel. :)
It seems like we are teaching a lot of people without a Christian background. We have Linda from Korea, Allen from China, and Minh from Veitnam. Minh's lesson was really cool because as we were starting to teach the lesson he actually asked the questions of "Where did we come from?" "Why are we here?" and "Where are we going?" so we went right into teaching the Plan of Salvation and he was so interested. The Gospel answers questions of the soul! Linda is the home ward area is also progressing super well. Her english isn't the best but she is the cutest and sweetest thing out there! She has been praying for the first time and she says, "When I play... I feel peace-poe." Or... when she prays she feels peaceful. :) Haha. And that Church makes her happy. She also was saying how she feels that God put us in each others paths. It's true. I love being on the Lord's errend. :)
Last night was a super big wind storm! We were running a bit little getting home after a lesson and we needed to drive from Langley to Abbotsford. We were going on some back roads so make it across town faster and just in front of us a tree fell down in the road and the car just a couple cars in front of us ran into it... All the cars behind us were just in a hurry annd backed up to turn around. We turned around too and but got out to see if they were okay. A lady got out of the car and said everything was okay and that the fire department were coming to help. She was a bit frazzled and she let us say a paryer with her. We wished we could have stayed longer with her but we had to just give her our number and told her to call us if she needed anything. She was so grateful. Again, it felt so amazing to be on the Lord's errend.
I love being a missionary at this time of the year. To proclaim to the people here is BC that "A savior was born." I can't even picture life without knowing what Jesus Christ has done for the world os a world with out a savior. I have deep love for the Savior and for his supreme act of love, the Atonement. He is not just the Savior for the world, but for you and me individually. He loves the one. He goes after the one. He rejoices in the one that will come unto him. I lvoe you all so much. Thanks for all the suppot and love! Hope you ahvea  great week!
Sister Lofthouse

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