I hope you are all doing great! Its been such an interesting week here in Surrey.
I went on exchanges with one of my Sister Training Leaders and was in the downtown part of Surrey. We had some training earlier in the week about shaking things up when we go contacting... So we decided to go inside the mall to contact! Before we got out of the car Sister Johnson said a prayer and she prayed that someone would recognize us and that people could see happiness and light in our faces. Well contacting at the mall was a little out of our comfort zone because we both hadn't done it before... But we go in and were talking about how we could go into Old Navy or H&M because there would be lots of people in there. But... I kind of got a feeling that we should go the opposite way than those stores... So we did! So we start walking and sister Johnson saw this tea shop that other sisters have talked about so we go in and the worker offers us some free samples that we got to explain why we couldn't drink them. But there was one other lady in the store looking at the shelves... So we being the sneaky missionaries we are, start looking at the shelves on each side of her. Then Sister Johnson makes a comment like "this store is really cute" or and something like that and the lady was like "Hey! Are you missionaries?" and we were like What??? Apparently she lives under a senior missionary couple and they took cookies down to her last week! So that was a cool experience! The whole time at the mall was really fun because we had to think of creative ways to get people talking to us! Then we decided to walk outside the mall the long way back to the car and we talked to so many people who know members of the church or told us they saw happiness in our faces so it was so cool. Heavenly Father answers prayers!
This week President and Sister Burt got to come teaching with us! We wanted them to meet Valentine but he cancelled that morning... So we arranged things to teach Brittani at a members home. Brittani took forever to get ready and we were 45 minutes late for the lesson... But it was pretty good. President basically just talked about life lessons... Which is good for Brittani. But it was cool that President would come teaching with us!
This Sunday Elise came to church! (She is the investigator that has a job, house, car, and husband!) Earlier in the week we taught her the Plan of Salvation and she really enjoyed it. And she just loves the Book of Mormon and has felt happiness and more peace since starting to meet with us. She is awesome! We are hoping and praying that we can set her for a baptism date soon!
Well, today is an exciting day because we are taking the skytrain to Vancouver! And transfer calls are tonight! It will be so weird if Im not in Surrey anymore! I love you all so much! Thanks for all your love and support! The Gospel of Jesus Christ really does bless our lives so much. Commandments keep us safe! Have a great week!
Sister Lofthouse
#thatcitylifetho #planofsalvation |
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