Monday, February 8, 2016

May 4, 2015: A Beary Good Week

Hello Family and Friends!! 

Its been such an amazing week here in Vanderhoof! Last P-day we got a random call from the mission President saying that him and Sister Burt would be joining us for out morning studies in the cabin the next day! The next day it was super stormy and windy but they made it! We had a great study with them and then they had a great idea of going a visiting a recent convert family that was baptized in January but has only been to church once since their baptized. They have some hard influences with the Word of Wisdom. But Pres and Sister Burt have taught them before they were baptized so we decided to take the 45 minute drive to teach them. The Burt's are awesome. It was just what the family needed! Because of the storm, the dad couldn't go to work so he was home. God is real. But it was the craziest lesson EVER because their two little boys are pretty wild and were throwing things around and putting lotion in people's hair and trying to comb President Burt's hair. There were a couple times I feared for President Burt. One of the boys was playing with a bungie cord and hooked it to the top of his chair and then pulled in as far as it would stretch... I was praying so hard "Heavenly Father, please don't him me let go!!!" Then Sister Han saved the day and grabbed it so that President didn't get hit in the back of the head! But the visit from the Burt's helped them out so much and they are trying to quit smoking and drinking again! They are such an awesome family! 

Then that evening we went over to Prince George (about an hour drive from Vanderhoof) to go to a baptism over there. It was amazing and we were able to spend the evening with the Burt's and the APs. The Burt's were leaving right in the morning and just came up here to be with them missionaries. I could relate to how the Nephites felt when Christ came because we didnt want him to leave. He ministered to us and bless us! It was such a spiritual day! 

We taught an investigator, Dwayne, again this week. But at the first of our lesson he wanted to give back the Book of Mormon... He is Seventh Day right now and truly has a desire to follow God. Me and Sister Han basically testified our guts out and his heart was softened! He just truly doesn't want to be deceived so everything makes him a little scared. But it was amazing because the lesson wan't contentious at all! 

We also have a new investigator this week named, Jonah. He is YSA aged guy and doesn't have any religious background. We taught the Restoration and he was pretty open to it! At the end I asked him to say the closing prayer and he was an little hesitant but then Sister Han just answered for him in her cute little Asian voice by saying "Sure!" and it got him to say it! It was such a  heart felt prayer and it really showed his real intent so it was awesome! We are excited to continue to teach him! 

Sister Han is leaving back to Taiwan this week! Which is super sad because she is hilarious and we get along so well! I feel so blessed to be her last companion! 

Sister Lofthouse

Me and my little Asian (Sister Han) tracting in beautiful British Columbia.

There are so many bears up here that people just shoot them all willy nilly. We saw another bear on the side of the high way driving to Prince George! 

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